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 Topic: Lippylion63

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Views: 2152
PostForum: General Introductions Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:57 pm Subject: Lippylion63
Hello from Lippylion63

Ive been using PHP Nuke or versions of since early 2006 and started to create the Nukequiz module in around late 2006, early 2007.

PHP Coding is something that I find interesting an occupies my brain, whilst challenging it at the same time. As PHP changes then so does it ability to do new things.

I come form an IT background, but the coding is self taught over the years, I'm by no means an expert in PHP, but I get around most problems, especially if its related to Nuke, regardless of versions.

Nukequiz was developed as I taught students in higher education and wanted a quiz module to test them when at home. It started very simply and has now, like most thing grown and grown to what it is today. I hope that some people will find it useful, whether for fun or to use it the same way I did.

Enjoy Cool
 Topic: Nukequiz v4.0.0a

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Views: 1859
PostForum: Releases & Updates Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:37 am Subject: Nukequiz v4.0.0a
Nukequiz v4.0.0a is now running on our website in order for people to see what it does and to help in testing.

It still is under some review for bugs and to finish the admin side of the module.

We will require the language file to be translated soon, if anyone is willing to help, please post in the language forum stating which language you can translate it from English to.

Some of the blocks are visible on the site, but I'm currently working on others.

Finally, the online manual for Nukequiz is currently been worked on and will be live online soon.
Thanks Smile
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